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AEGD Testimonials

Camille Haynes, DMD, 2024 AEGD Graduate Testimonial
Some topics covered: Why an AEGD program? - Experience with different types of patients

Jeremy Mihnevych, DDS, 2023 AEGD Graduate Testimonial
Some topics covered: Why a residency? - Advice to dental students - Has the residency met your expectations? - Would you do it again?

Travis Kimble, DDS, 2022 AEGD Graduate Testimonial
Some topics covered: Content of the clinical curriculum - AEGD vs GPR - Site Selection - Patient load - Biggest adjustment from dental school - Last words of wisdom.

Mackenzie Laframboise DMD, 2023 AEGD Graduate Testimonial - (Canadian dental graduate)
Some topics covered: The value of mentorship - Clinical first - AEGD, a good decision? Tucson!!!  - Visa experience 

Contact us for more information on our residency programs.

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